Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Fathers Day!!

Yesterday was Fathers Day and I just wanted to say how thankful I am for Blake and the Dad that he is to Jaxon and now Tae. Blake you truly are the best Dad in the whole world. We love you so much! Happy Fathers Day!
Daddy's little princess. She fits right in his hands... but not for long!

I just wanted to tell Scott thank you so much for the Father you are! You are such a good example to Blake and I know that he got all of his good "Dad" qualities from you. We love you!

The Fathers Day celebration! Nat made this tie cake for all the special Fathers!

Dad, I love you so much and I am so lucky tho have you as a Father. Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. Without you I would not be where I am today. You have always been there for me and I have always known I can count on you for anything. Happy Fathers Day!

Papa, Happy Fathers Day to you! You are an incredible father, grandfather and great-grandfather! I love you so much and I am so thankful to have you in my life. I miss you every day and wish so much we could be closer.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ahhh the outdoors.....

We went on our first family of 4 outing up the canyon yesterday. Wade had reserved a campground for the night. It was absolutely beautiful up there! We didn't stay the night but we had fun eating dinner and making smores. It was Tae's first time outside, she slept through most of it but I think she loved it!

Taelin with Grandpa Scott

It was so beautiful up in the canyon. You can't say there's no trees in Utah!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

One week old.....

I wish I could stop time right now! Taelin turned one week old today and I can't believe it! Time has gone by so fast! I have treasured every single second of the last week and I am so madly in love with this little baby girl. I just sit and hold her all day and night and wish she could stay like this forever! So today the moment came that I have been waiting for! Jaxon said "Mommy I hold baby Tae??" He got so excited when I said yes and told him to sit on the couch and he was grinning from ear to ear. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen when I put her in his arms. He immediately hugged her so close and just kissed her and loved her and then jumped up after two min and wanted nothing to do with her again!

Mom and Jen bought Tae this little outfit and it is one of the only things that fit her right now cuz she is still in preemie clothes. I thought she looked so cute so of coarse I had to take a million pictures!

Her first bath at home. She absolutely LOVES getting her hair washed. And she always does this one eyed look.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Big Brother

On Sunday Jaxon finally decided that he wanted to check his little sister out. He was so sweet to her and kept saying "Baby Tae is so cute" or "Baby Tae needs a bottle". I got a few pics and then he was over it and hasn't paid any attention to her since! I think he is kind of mad at me but he has been really good and I have been so lucky to have so many people helping with him during the day. I keep trying to ask him if he wants to hold the baby and he says NO! Ha Ha I know he will love her soon.........

She blocked his first kiss... it was really funny!

This is literally the first time he would really look at her. I wish I knew what was going through his little head!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Taelin Jean

Taelin Jean Hansen came into this world on June 12th at 4:08 pm! 6lbs 10 oz, 19 inches long. She is an Angel and is absolutely perfect! The labor went great once they finally would admit me and let me see a doctor (that is a long story). As soon as they gave me my epideral I felt no pain at all, slept through all of the contractions and after about two hours they woke me up and said time to push! It was so amazing I had no idea that you could sleep through the end of labor! So she is here and is so much more beautiful then I ever imagined. I am absolutely OBSESSED with her and I have never been happier in my life. I was so happy when Jax was born but with that came a lot of worry and stress so we weren't really able to enjoy it. This time everything is perfect and I am enjoying EVERY single second of it. After Tae was born Scott and Suzi brought Jax to the hospital to meet his little sister. He didn't really want anything to do with her except he threw a stuffed bunny they had bought her and it hit her smack in the face. Then he wanted "Mommy to hold ME" and jumped on me the whole time. I think he loves her but doesn't quite know what to think yet. Jax, I know you will be such a good big brother. It is crazy how instantly you grew 2 feet in my eyes and became a little boy! Taelin, I am so happy you are here. I can feel your sweet little spirit and I know that you came straight from heaven.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Still waiting......

Today we went to Shivers for lunch to celebrate Scotty's Kindergarten graduation! Yeah Scotty! I can remember when you were little like Johnny and now you are so grown up! Jaxon loves you so much and wants to be just like you.... I hope he is! It was so fun for the kids at Shivers cuz they have a little train they can eat their lunch in. Jaxon loved it! He especially loved it when Grams bought him candy out of the candy machine. I am still not so patiently waiting for little Tae to want to come out! I am sooooooooo beyond ready. Now I am trying to bribe her, if she is anything like me it will work. So I had Blake tell her that he would buy her a Juicy suit if she came out today! So I hope she already appreciates the finer things in life and that the bribe works.......

My nephew Johnny is the cutest baby in the world! I love his hair and he loves fries!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jaxon Lee

What can I say.... I love you Jax soooooooo much! Today we were in the backyard and you were calling to an airplane saying "STOP AIRPLANE I WANT TO GET ON!!" It was so cute you wanted it to stop so bad and you were so upset cuz you didn't understand why they wouldn't stop for you. It broke my heart, I wanted to take you straight to the airport so you could get on a plane. You amaze me so much everyday with all that you learn, the new things you say and do. I am so lucky to be your mom and I treasure every second with you. I have loved every moment I have spent with you since you were born and all the days we have spent just the two of us. It is so weird to think that when we bring Taelin home soon you wont be the baby anymore! I know she will add so much and we will make so many memories with her but I will ALWAYS cherish the days when it was just you and me. I love you more than anything and I ALWAYS will. I wanted to list a few of my favorite things that you do every day that make me smile and some of your favorite things..........
1. Your favorite foods are chocolate milk, cheesesticks and cookies with stripes (thats what you call them)
2. You have to sleep with Lamby, monkey and lion every night.
3. You have books memorized after 2-3 times of us reading them to you and you love to read them to us at bedtime. You have to read at least 4 books before you will go to sleep.
4. You learned to count to 10 in Spanish from TV (ha ha I think it was Diego!)
5. Your favorite thing to do is play in the backyard and make Tink chase you. If she won't go the exact way you want you get so mad a scream at here (TINK THIS WAY!!)
6. You want to do EVERYTHING yourself and you always say "NO Jaxon do it!"
7. You LOVE LOVE LOVE to take baths. If I let you, you would take 3 baths a day but you have to take your toy animals in with you.- 2 elephants, a rhino, a hippo, crocodile and a giraffe. Not one of them can be missing!
8. You still say car like ARRRRR! I LOVE it!
9. The three songs you always sing are Twinkle Twinkle, The Itsy Bitsy Spider and the ABC's
10. You know when you are doing something bad and most the time you choose to do it anyway and then you just go put yourself in timeout.
11. You give the best squeezer hugs!
12. When you get mad at me you point your finger at me and say "NO! You listen to your MOMMY! OHAY... OHAY??!" ( you can tell what I say to you... ha ha)
13. One day I was teaching you about names and told you my name was Tahni. For 2 days you wouldn't call me Mommy only Tahni!
14. You shriek to whistle for the dogs to come inside cuz you hear Daddy whistle.
15. You love to march up the stairs to your bedroom for bedtime.
16. When you say your prayers at night your favorite part is AMEN!
17. You love to get your haircut in Mom's salon downstairs. You say "Jaxon's turn!" And lots of times I have to pretend to cut it.
18. You love to brush your teeth!
19. Last weekend you looked at the waiter at a restaurant we were at and ordered a "Sprite Please!" We didn't know you knew how to order a drink! Ha ha
20. Your favorite toys are animals, cars, trains, balls, books and moneys (thats what you call it)
21. You always bring rocks in from out side and say "I need to wash these they are too dirty" and you wash them in the bathroom sink!


Today Jaxon had his cousin Charlie over and they were finger painting. Jax LOVES to paint and make a mess. I love watching him create things and to see how proud of himself he is when he is finished. Of coarse he always has to test the boundries of "Where else is Mom going to let me put the paint??" And it is so funny to see how upset he gets when his hands get too messy! He yells "I NEED A KLEENEX!!"