Aunt Maris hosted the most amazing dinner at her log house for Thanksgiving. We had Turkey, Ham, Duck and of course all the side dishes. Followed with pie of course.
Uncle Roger and Lee caught us some Humbolt crab the day we got in and cooked it up for us that night. It doesn't get much better than all of us cracking fresh crab around Grandma and Papa's table. Its the BEST!

I have sooooooo very much to be thankful for, but this year I am mostly thankful for my little family. I am so lucky to have Blake, Jaxon and Taelin to share my life with each day. They bring me so much happiness and I don't know what I would do without them. I don't think our life could get any better....................

so glad you guys had a wonderful thanksgiving! you have such a beautiful family and we are so blessed to have you guys as friends!