Last week we went to This is The Place with the family. The kids got to meet Father Christmas (that's what they call Santa there) and Jax asked for a green truck. We rode on the train, saw the live Nativity, had a hot chili and cornbread dinner and felt the coldest wind of our lives. When we got home we made hot chocolate and all crawled into bed under the covers to watch Rudolph until we thawed out!
On Friday Jax, Tae and I went to Jen's new apartment and decked it out for Christmas while she was at work! Jax loved it and kept saying "We're bringing Jen Christmas Mommy!!" It was so cute, he was such a good little elf.
Tonight Bry and Nat had us over to make Gingerbread Houses! Nat is a serious professional when it comes to these. She wasn't messing around with the kits, everything was homemade. I was so impressed! Jaxon LOVED putting the candy on and building his house. I hope we do this every year!
We have our Christmas lights up outside, the inside of the house is decked, Christmas music is
playing nonstop, shopping is almost done, tree scented candles are burning since I refuse to clean up after a real tree but I HAVE to have the smell, egg nog is in the fridge and I am officially in heaven, its Christmas time!
Off to Seattle in the morning for Christmas with my Family, CAN"T WAIT! Oh, and Nordstrom.......... I"M COMING!!!
Cutest picture. Have fun in Seattle, we're excited to celebrate with you when you get back!