Our Wedding in Hong Kong was incredible! It was such an adventure! The day before the wedding we had to go downtown and be sworn in for a marriage license after our request had been posted for a month to make sure that nobody objected! Then the day of our wedding we woke up and got ready in the hotel. My blow dryer, flat iron and curling iron all blew out so I had to do my hair with just the little hotel blow dryer! So... my hair was in a ponytail!
We all got on a ferry boat and rode across the harbor to get on a double decker bus. We got off the bus and walked a few blocks to the Hong Kong temple all while carrying my dress! We then had a civil marriage in the temple chapel because China does not legally recognize the temple marriage yet. Finally we were sealed for eternity in the temple!!! We were the only people on the temple grounds so we spent a while there taking pictures and Chad went and got us lunch somewhere on the streets downtown. I don't remember what it was but I know it had to do with some kind of hot dogs and it was amazing! After lunch we went back on the bus and then took the ferry back to our hotel where Scott and Suzi had planned a little dinner reception for us. It was so perfect to be with our families and a few close friends and to share this day with them. We had a little Chinese wedding cake that they gave to us while singing a "congratulations" song in broken English. And when we began to smash the cake in each others faces the poor Chinese people almost died! They could not understand why we would do that!! It was the perfect wedding day, so much more then I had ever imagined....

Absolutely beautiful, Tahni. Glad to see you have a blog! You can check ours out if you'd like: www.ryanandsarahmc.blogspot.com