Jaxon Lee was born on October 8th 2006, six weeks early. He was 5lbs 10 oz. He was so small but huge for 6 weeks early. We were so excited to meet him and knew how special he would be! We knew that he would be born with a cleft lip and pallate but we still had no idea what his little face would look like. He had the widest smile you have ever seen. We fell in love with his face but we knew it would change soon with his surgeries. He couldn't suck so we would squirt his milk into his mouth with special bottles and when he was just a week old he went to his first orthodontist appointment to get a NAM fitted to get his mouth ready for surgery. Since the day he was born Jax has always just adapted to the situation and made it work. He has such a strong spirit and determination.
I just started crying looking back at these pictures. I miss you guys terribly, and I'm so sad that we're not close by and making great new memories. Love you guys!