Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A perfect tea party for Tae.......

My baby girl turned one and I cant believe it has already been a year. I feel like she was just born but I feel like she has been with me forever too. She is my angel and always will be. She is the sweetest girl in the world and has been the easiest and I mean EASIEST baby, but I'm sad to say now that she is one she has decided to have an opinion about things. I guess it had to happen sometime........ Tae has the best little personality, she loves to try to do whatever Jax does. She LOVES her monkey. Pink and white frosted animal cookies and grapes are her favorite treats. She is about to walk ANY second. She took 4 steps yesterday. But she can crawl crazy fast so i guess why walk?? She is always talking but her only real words so far are mama, dada, jax (my favorite), doggie, papa, bye bye, nana, uh-oh, baba and baby. She loves to try to sing to her lullabies, she loves baths, swimming, elmo, swinging and she is obsessed with shoes. Her eyes are magical and her little voice is my favorite thing in the whole world...........
So we had the perfect little tea party for Tae in the backyard. As you all know I love to throw parties so of coarse I had to go all out for my baby girls first birthday! We had cupcakes and cookies. And the yummiest donuts in the world from Beyond Glaze. Tae had the most perfect birthday cake made by Nat. I made the tissue paper balls, and found all the tea cups and saucers at DI and some were from Cree that she had gotten from a hotel. The tablecloths Suzi bought for me at a consignment store in St. George. It turned out perfect but the best part was all the close friends and family we had to share it with. Tae loved it!


  1. Wow! It looks like you guys had fun! What a Blast! Happy birthday Tae! Just letting you know we are expecting our second in December. We are excited and we will do our next ultrasound the 11th of August. We'll keep you updated!

  2. So cute!! The decorations are just darling!! You should do a post on how to make those tissue paper balls or girl me the link to where you found them! I just love em! Happy birthday Tae!
