Happy Birthday Lisi! I can't even believe that you are 17! You are and always will be one of my favorite people in the world! You are incredible and I am soooooooo proud to be your sister. I remember when you were born I was so excited and I begged mom to let me share a room with you, so she made us a little red and white bedroom. We still to this day have NEVER EVER been in even a little fight! You are such an example of your life is what you make it and I love that about you. When I think of you I think beautiful, smart, funny, an incredible dancer, a leader, the best sister, an amazing friend, a dreamer, a reader/writer, confident, loves bread, outgoing, passionate, never quits, strong but sensitive, loyal, a true princess..........perfection. You will go so far in life and CAN and WILL accomplish anything you want! I hope you have an amazing day and and even better year to come! I can't wait to see what you do this year so I can brag about it! I love you little Lisi!
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