Saturday, October 31, 2009


On Friday we threw a Murder Mystery Dinner that was to die for! I decked out the basement and turned it into a 1920's Speakeasy. Everyone got soooooo into their characters not to mention the costumes were fabulous!
We had so much fun.......can we do it again??
The Fellas:
Cheif Cameron, Hal Hollywood, Mugsy Malone, Bernie Booze,
Southside Sal, Cy Ramsey, Nick Nemetz
All the Ladies:
Kitty Cocktail, Dina Diva, Natalie Nemetz, Molly Moll
Flora Gadora-Nemetz, Rosie Marie, Cindy Butt


These are just a few of the pics, if you want to see more check out my facebook. There are so many good ones!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Lisi!

Happy Birthday Lisi! I can't even believe that you are 17! You are and always will be one of my favorite people in the world! You are incredible and I am soooooooo proud to be your sister. I remember when you were born I was so excited and I begged mom to let me share a room with you, so she made us a little red and white bedroom. We still to this day have NEVER EVER been in even a little fight! You are such an example of your life is what you make it and I love that about you. When I think of you I think beautiful, smart, funny, an incredible dancer, a leader, the best sister, an amazing friend, a dreamer, a reader/writer, confident, loves bread, outgoing, passionate, never quits, strong but sensitive, loyal, a true princess..........perfection. You will go so far in life and CAN and WILL accomplish anything you want! I hope you have an amazing day and and even better year to come! I can't wait to see what you do this year so I can brag about it! I love you little Lisi!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tae's First Snow

Tae had her first snow yesterday..... so of coarse we had to dress her up in her little pink Uggs, her vest and snow hat and take pictures. She LOVED watching the snow fall. She just kept giggling and getting so excited she didn't know what to do with herself!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Ok, its not really Christmas time yet, but this morning we got our first snowfall! It was a lazy morning at our house and Jax and I were making pancakes when he looked out the window and yelled "Its Christmas time Mommy!" Apparently he thinks that snow means Christmas so I had to explain to him that it wasn't Christmas yet, we still have Halloween and Thanksgiving first. Everyone knows that I love all of the holidays but I am OBSESSED with Christmas! I was sooooo excited to see Jax get excited for Christmas already. This year will be perfect. I can't wait!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Today's Outing....

I took the kids to the Children's Museum today with the cousins. The kids had a blast! My favorite moment of the day was when Jax got in the helicopter which the other kids were pretending to fly and he really thought it was going to take off! Anne and I were dying!! When Jaxon is unsure about something he doesn't cry he just spaces out. Look at his face!! It was hilarious!I know!! Tae is huge right?! Where did my little newborn baby go?? P.S. STILL NO TINK...........

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Come Home Tink......

Tink has been missing since Thursday!! I can't even begin to explain how sad I am! We got Tink as a little puff ball baby right after Blake and I got married. She is the sweetest most friendly dog in the world. She is my baby, Blake's crazy puppy, Jaxon's best friend and Duke's mommy dog. We are all so devastated!!! We have put hundreds of flyers in every mailbox around our house, posted her picture on ksl and craigslist, called all of the animal shelters in the Salt Lake area every five minutes, drove around looking for her for hours and still no Tink! She has been gone now for 3 days and 2 nights ...... please come home Tink, we miss you sweet dog.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Today I woke up and you were 3......

Dear Jaxon,
Today I woke up and you were 3! I can't even believe it! The past 3 years have gone by way too fast! You are such a little boy now, you want to do everything yourself and you love to play. Your favorite toys are your airplanes and your little animals. You still LOVE chocolate milk and gummy bears which you call "Yummy Bears." I can almost get you to do anything for yummy bears! You are such a good big brother to Tae. Today I came out and you were talking to her saying "Do you want to come to my birthday party baby Tae? I will get lots of presents!" You always try to help when she cries, you give her the binky or her monkey or tell me "Mommy Baby Tae is hungry NOW!" You say the cutest things all of the time but some of my favorites are when you want me to hold you, you say "Mommy I hold you. I hold you??" You call all of your jackets or sweatshirts your life jacket. You call everyone him even if its a girl. You love to play with your cousins. Your not shy at all, you will try to make friends and play with any kids you meet. I can't believe what a little man you are and how smart you are now. I don't know what I would do without you and your little crooked smile. You make my days so happy and I treasure every single moment with you. I wish you would stop growing but since I know that can't happen I will try to soak it all in now. Happy Birthday Jaxi! I love you more than you know.........
P.S. You are trying to blow out your candles through your nose in this picture. You still haven't figured that one out yet!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Jaxon and Thomas

Last weekend we went to Malad to Nat's family cabin. It was so much fun to get away and be with Bry, Nat, Wade Anne, JD, Monica and 10 kids. YES 10 kids! These are the pics I took of Jaxon and Thomas when I found them eating chocolate chip cookies together in the kitchen. Thomas was teaching Jaxon how to dip them the cookies in a cup of milk. I am so glad that Jaxon has so many cousins to play with. Especially Scotty and Thomas, they are like his big brothers and he looks up to them so much! If I want Jaxon to do something all I have to say is Scotty and Thomas do it and he says "Ooooh Scotty and Thomas do it?? OK!"