This is what my poor baby girl looks like every day now and I can't even believe how fast it happened. I noticed that she was crossing her eyes a lot and glaring at everything. She was super grumpy and just kept holding her head. Her eyes used to be huge and just sparkle and now they have turned a different color, got smaller and are always crossed in.
So we took her to the Pediatric Optomologist who says she needs glasses....... which was better than the alternatives. We are waiting for them now.
I was fighting back serious tears when the doctor was fitting her for the glasses.
They covered her whole face and she looked so different.
She hated them on her face and just threw them on the ground over and over again.
I hated them because I felt like she was hidden and I just wanted her sparkling green eyes back.
I thought of how she is supposed to start dance and gymnastics next month and how will she do a somersault and how in the world am I going to keep these huge round bottle cap glasses on this 2 year old's face? I don't know why I am so devastated but the truth is I am.
My very favorite thing about Tae was her eyes and I know they will still be hers, but I am going to have to get used to this new look.
I know I will.
I know that I should be grateful that it is not something worse and that glasses are all that she needs, and I am. But I am dreading the constant fight of putting them on her face.
We are just waiting for them to call and say her pink glasses are ready.
I hope she wears them and is able to see, that her eyes will be open and big again, that they make her world better and take her headache away.
We will both get used to them.

Jax has been so sweet to Tae.
He is such a good big brother and takes such good care of her.