Halloween came and went WAY too fast this year. It was a total blur this year and I didn't even throw our annual party! Luckily our friends Eric and Danielle hosted the party this year.
I was Alice and Blake was the Mad Hatter. It was a blast!
Pumpkin carving was a success with our little family. The kids loved it but I have to say I am a little disappointed in the lack of pumpkin goo my kids were willing to stick their hands in.
Growing up I LOVED scooping out the pumpkin goo and getting it all over my hands, squishing it in between my fingers. I just couldn't even wait to get my hands in the stuff. Jen HATED it and thought I was crazy. I just wanted her to love it as much as I did..........
but she never did.
So then I tried to recruit Blake to my love for scooping out and carving pumpkins but he hates when his hands get in the goo too. My last hope was that my kids would love it and so far Jax is just like his Dad and did NOT want dirty hands! Maybe next year Tae will dig in with me......

Jax was in heaven trick or treating with his cousins again this year.
It was a cold, rainy night but that didn't slow them down at all!
I didn't get any good pics that night with my camera but here's what I did get .........

Tae was so cute and I had no idea she would grasp the concept of trick or treating so soon.
We had her in the stroller following the boys and as soon as they went to the first house and got their candy she screamed and screamed to get out of the stroller. We thought she just wanted to run with the boys so Blake let her out and she ran all by herself holding her little bucket up in a panic saying
"trick or treat......trick or treat!!!"
She went up to every door step after that til her little bucket was full to the brim with candy.
She was the cutest little Strawberry Shortcake.