Saying goodbye to the most incredible man I have ever known in my life was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I don't think you can ever prepare yourself or be ready to watch someone you love so dearly pass on and leave us to go to the next life.
Papa had been sick for a while but when he got to the point where they knew he wouldn't get better my grandma knew he would want to be home and they moved him home for the rest of the time he had left.
So for a few days and nights I was able to be at his side with my sweet Grandma, Jen, Jesse and Lee.
He wasn't able to speak when I got there and I am not sure how much of us he could actually see but he knew we were there.
He could hear us and could only let us know in the tiniest ways but somehow he still let us know how much he loved us. He would try so hard to talk to us or smile but a little lift of his finger or a nod of his head meant the world to me.
I will forever treasure the precious days and nights I got to be right by his side with Jen, Jess and Lee, holding his hands and feet, kissing his head, playing him his favorite music, telling him how much we loved him until he gave grandma one last smile and the angels took him to heaven.