Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A few things I missed last week....
Girls at the pool! Today Ivy and I took the girls to the pool and layed in the sun, had lunch and swam a little. I love it cuz Jax goes to play at the kids club for a while so I can relax and then after an hour or so I go get him and bring him out to the pool. He loves it and I love the break! Taelin and Kamora were just too cute hangin out with their mommies by the pool!

Last weekend we got to go to John Bowers and his new wife Blakely's wedding. It was so much fun to be apart of and yes another excuse to dress Tae up!
We also took a trip to the zoo last week. Blake got off work early so he could come with us! Jaxon LOVES the zoo, or anything to do with animals. He was sooo happy there even though he doesn't look like it in this picture......
It was also Suzi's birthday last week and we got to go out to dinner to celebrate with her and Scott. It was so much fun! Then on Sunday we had the whole family birthday celebration over at our house (I forgot to take pics). I am so thankful for Suzi and all she does for us and I hope she had the best birthday! I am sooooo lucky to have the best mother-in-law in the whole world. As I am writing this Jaxon is looking at the picture saying "That's Grandma Suzi...... Grandma Suzi is sooooooooooooo tall!" (with his hand way up in the air) He always says that about her, its so cute. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Crazy Jaxon......
Today when I got out of the shower this is what I found! Jaxon decided he didn't want to watch his movie like he normally does while I take a shower, he wanted to color Tink. So he pulled the stool over to climb on the kitchen counter, got the markers out from the top shelf and colored her like a rainbow on both sides of her body and her head. Then, I think he wanted to try to clean her off before I saw and so he climbed back up on the counter and got the febreze and two bottles of hand sanitizer and soaked her with all three of them until the bottles were empty! His face was priceless when I walked out and saw his creation. He just stared at me to see what I was going to do and I didn't know whether to laugh or put him in timeout or what! Then I couldn't help but laugh and take pictures when he quickly explained to me all of the colors that were on Tink and how she had a rainbow!! He said "Mommy look Tink has a rainbow! There's red and orange and yellow and green and blue! She is soooooo pretty Mommy, soooo pretty now!!" All of which he said while showing me each color with his arm stretched out palm up. If you have been with Jax lately you know that he doesn't point at anything he holds out his arm and shows you with his palm up like he is and usher or something! Its sooo funny! Poor Tink......

Friday, August 7, 2009
Big Boy Jaxon!
On Wednesday Jaxon decided he wanted to start using the Potty. I was not ready for this! I had planned on starting the dreaded potty training in a couple of months but he was ready and I couldn't tell him no. So we went to walmart, got a potty chair, some pull ups and treats and we are starting the journey. Wish me luck and if you have any tips let me know cuz I have NO idea what I am doing!!!

Ahh back to Seattle
Last weekend Tae and I took a girls trip to Seattle to get my hair done and see friends and the fam. It was so nice to be home and the weather was so beautiful! When we got there Mom took us to Nordstrom cuz I am having withdrawals in Utah and I wanted EVERYTHING! I just need a million dollars.....Tara did my hair at the Spa and I got to see all the girls I miss so much. Then we went to Purple Cafe for dinner. Every time Tara and I are together its like we were never apart. I miss you Tara Jean!
Tahni Jean, Tara Jean and Taelin Jean finally together! I don't know what I would do without them....

I got to go see Amanda's BEAUTIFUL new house that her and Chris just built! It was so incredible. But they best part was talking and laughing with Amanda for 5 hours and it felt
like 5 min! I needed my Amanda time.....
We put Taelin in this highchair and she looked so old sitting up like a big girl! Stop growing Tae!
Tae got to meet her Great Uncle John and Great Aunt Alison. Does that make you guys feel old? Ha ha! We got to spend Saturday morning with their cute family. We miss you guys!
On Friday we went to lunch with Lauren and Makaih at my favorite lunch place Mullbacks. I am so mad we didn't take any pics but it was so good to see them. Makiah is so beautiful, I can't believe her and Jax are almost 3, it seems like they were just Taelin's size! time goes by WAY too fast.

like 5 min! I needed my Amanda time.....

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